How do I assign a list of objects to another group of objects in a round-robin fashion using Typescript?
This code defines an Ontology edit function that assigns alerts to analysts in a round-robin fashion. It iterates through the alerts and assigns them to analysts by their employee ID, looping back to the first analyst when all analysts have been assigned an alert.
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@OntologyEditFunction() @Edits(Alert) public async alertAssignment(alerts: Alert[]>): Promise<void>{ const analysts =; const numAnalysts = analysts.length; if(numAnalysts === 0){ return } let analystIndex = 0; for(const alert of alerts) { const employeeId =!.employeeId; alert.assignedTo = employeeId; analystIndex += 1; if (analystIndex === numAnalysts){ analystIndex = 0; } } }
functions on objects
, typescript
, alert
, analyst
, round-robin
How do I calculate the number of days between two timestamps in Typescript?
This code defines a function that takes two Timestamp objects as input and returns the number of days between them as an Integer.
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import { Function, Integer, Timestamp} from "@foundry/functions-api"; @Function() public getDaysBetweenTimestamp(date1: Timestamp, date2: Timestamp): Integer{ return Math.floor((Math.abs((date1.getTime()-date2.getTime())) / (1000 * 3600 * 24))); }
, functions on objects