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Publish Products to Apollo from your CI pipeline

Once you have access to your Apollo Hub, the next step is to start publishing your services as Products that Apollo will then deploy.

Publishing a Product to Apollo is meant to be a straightforward command that you can add to your Continuous Integration (CI) solution.

This guide will walk through how to publish to Apollo from a CI pipeline so that new Product Releases are added to the Product catalog each time new changes are committed to your service.


Access token

You will need either a Bearer Token or a client ID and client secret to run Apollo CLI commands in your CI pipeline.

If you are using a Bearer Token, you should add the token as a secret named APOLLO_TOKEN to your CI pipeline so that the value is available in the CI script.

Learn more about configuring authentication for the Apollo CLI.

Make apollo-cli accessible in your CI pipeline

Because you will publish to Apollo using the apollo-cli, you will need to make sure the CLI is installed during the CI step to publish your Product. The CLI is a general-purpose tool used to list Product Releases, create artifacts, and publish Products to Apollo.

There are four ways that you can ensure the CLI is downloaded and accessible when you run your CI job:

  • [Recommended] Download the CLI directly from your Hub during your CI job using the following command. If you are authenticating using a service user instead of a Bearer Token, there will be an additional step.
Additional step when using a service user When authenticating with a service user, you must run the following command to obtain a Bearer Token. For the client_id and client_secret fields, enter your service user's credentials. This command will save the Bearer Token to a variable named APOLLO_TOKEN that you can then reference when running the subsequent command to download the Apollo CLI.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 APOLLO_TOKEN=$( curl -v -s "https://<Hub>" \ -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \ --data-urlencode "client_id=$CLIENT_ID" \ --data-urlencode "client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET" \ | grep -o '"access_token":\s*"[^"]*"' \ | sed -E 's/"access_token":\s*"([^"]*)"/\1/' \ )
1 curl -o apollo-cli -H "authorization: Bearer $APOLLO_TOKEN" "https://<Hub><os_distribution>/apollo-cli"
  • Download the apollo-cli binary from your Hub and host it somewhere that is accessible to the CI virtual machine.
  • Commit the CLI binary directly to your code repository.
  • Build a Docker image that includes the CLI to use in your CI step.

Publishing with apollo-cli

Use the apollo-cli publish command to publish to Apollo from your CI pipeline. The following flags are required when publishing any product type:

  • --apollo-url: The URL for your Apollo Hub instance.
  • --apollo-token: The prerequisite Bearer Token you created in the previous step. Do not include this parameter if you are using a service account.
  • --apollo-client-id: The client ID for a service account. Do not include this parameter if you are using a Bearer Token.
  • --apollo-client-secret: The client service for a service account. Do not include this parameter if you are using a Bearer Token.
  • --maven-coordinate: A unique identifier that refers to a specific version of a Product. Maven Coordinates are of the form groupID:artifactID:version.

The apollo-cli publish command supports publishing Helm charts. Additionally, publishing artifact and manifest Product types are supported for more advanced use cases. Refer to the documentation for additional details.

When publishing a Helm chart, you are required to specify the artifact repository where your chart is hosted using the --helm-repository-url flag. This repository can be your Hub’s artifact store or a separate, external store, like an existing Artifactory or Harbor instance. You will also need to set -—maven-coordinate, the unique identifier for the Release you are publishing. See the Product Releases documentation for more information about the identifier format.

Below is an example apollo-cli command that publishes a new Release of a Helm chart using a Bearer Token that has already been pushed to your Hub’s artifact repository:

1 ./apollo-cli publish helm-chart --apollo-url https://<Hub> --apollo-token $APOLLO_TOKEN --maven-coordinate "com.palantir:apollo-demo-app:${RELEASE_VERSION}" --helm-chart-name oci://containers-<Hub> --helm-chart-version ${RELEASE_VERSION} --helm-repository-url oci://containers-<Hub> --helm-username $HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_USER --helm-password $HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_PASS`

Below is an example apollo-cli command that publishes a new Release of a Helm chart using a service account that has already been pushed to your Hub’s artifact repository:

1 ./apollo-cli publish helm-chart --apollo-url https://<Hub> --apollo-client-id $CLIENT_ID --apollo-client-secret $CLIENT_SECRET --maven-coordinate "com.palantir:apollo-demo-app:${RELEASE_VERSION}" --helm-chart-name oci://containers-<Hub> --helm-chart-version ${RELEASE_VERSION} --helm-repository-url=oci://containers-<Hub> --helm-username $HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_USER --helm-password $HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_PASS`

Example publish step for an existing CI pipeline

Here is a minimal example of a CI stage in GitLab that will publish a Helm chart that is hosted in your Hub’s artifact store. View the above command in this CI file. The full example below shows how you can push Helm charts to the Hub’s artifact store.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 publish_helm_chart_apollo: stage: publish_helm_chart_apollo image: alpine/helm:3.10.2 dependencies: - build_and_push_helm_chart before_script: - apt-get update -qq && apt-get install curl git unzip -y - 'curl -o apollo-cli -H "authorization: Bearer $APOLLO_TOKEN" "https://<Hub>"' - chmod 700 apollo-cli - export RELEASE_VERSION=$(git describe --tags) script: - ./apollo-cli publish helm-chart --apollo-url https://<Hub> --apollo-token $APOLLO_TOKEN --maven-coordinate "com.palantir:apollo-demo-app:${RELEASE_VERSION}" --helm-chart-name oci://containers-<Hub> --helm-chart-version=${RELEASE_VERSION} --helm-repository-url oci://containers-<Hub> --helm-username=$HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_USER --helm-password=$HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_PASS only: - tags except: - branches

The dependencies block allows you to reuse the Helm chart that was packaged in the build_and_push_helm_chart stage.

In this example, the published Apollo Release version will be RELEASE_VERSION, which will match the tag found in refs/tag for the current commit. If a SemVer format git tag was created for this commit, like 2.0.0, then RELEASE_VERSION will be that version number.

The only and except keys in this example configure the stage to only run on builds that correspond to a new git tag. You can remove these keys to run the publish step on every commit on a git branch where your CI pipeline is configured to run.

After running the above step in your CI pipeline, you will be able to view your Release on the home page for the corresponding Product, which can be found by navigating to the Product catalog by selecting Products in the left menu panel of Apollo.

Full GitLab CI script for Product publishing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 # .gitlab-ci.yml stages: - build_and_push_container - build_and_push_helm_chart - publish_helm_chart_apollo build_and_push_container: stage: build_and_push_container image: docker:22.06.0-beta.0-git variables: DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2376 DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "/certs" DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY: 1 DOCKER_CERT_PATH: "$DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR/client" services: - docker:22.06.0-beta.0-dind before_script: - sleep 5 - docker login -u $HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_USER -p $HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_PASS containers-<Hub> - export RELEASE_VERSION=$(git describe --tags) script: - docker build -t apollo-demo-app:$RELEASE_VERSION . - docker tag apollo-demo-app:$RELEASE_VERSION containers-<Hub>$RELEASE_VERSION - docker push containers-<Hub>$RELEASE_VERSION only: - tags except: - branches build_and_push_helm_chart: stage: build_and_push_helm_chart image: alpine/helm:3.10.2 artifacts: untracked: true before_script: - export RELEASE_VERSION=$(git describe --tags) script: - cd helm-chart - 'sed -i "s/version:.*/version: \"${RELEASE_VERSION}\"/g" Chart.yaml' - 'sed -i "s/appVersion:.*/appVersion: \"${RELEASE_VERSION}\"/g" Chart.yaml' - 'sed -i "s/imageVersion:.*/imageVersion: \"${RELEASE_VERSION}\"/g" values.yaml' - helm package . - helm registry login -u $HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_USER -p $HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_PASS containers-<Hub> - helm push apollo-demo-chart-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tgz oci://containers-<Hub> only: - tags except: - branches publish_helm_chart_apollo: stage: publish_helm_chart_apollo image: alpine/helm:3.10.2 dependencies: - build_and_push_helm_chart before_script: - apt-get update -qq && apt-get install curl git unzip -y - 'curl -o apollo-cli -H "authorization: Bearer $APOLLO_TOKEN" "https://<Hub>"' - chmod 700 apollo-cli - export RELEASE_VERSION=$(git describe --tags) script: - ./apollo-cli publish helm-chart --apollo-url https://<Hub> --apollo-token $APOLLO_TOKEN --maven-coordinate "com.palantir:apollo-demo-app:${RELEASE_VERSION}" --helm-chart-name oci://containers-<Hub> --helm-chart-version=${RELEASE_VERSION} --helm-repository-url oci://containers-<Hub> --helm-username=$HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_USER --helm-password=$HUB_ARTIFACT_STORE_PASS only: - tags except: - branches