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apollo-cli product-release helm-chart init [Experimental]

This command is Experimental. To enable this command, run the apollo-cli configure command and enable V2 experimental commands.

Initializes a new Helm chart Product manifest from a local chart or remote chart repository.

1 apollo-cli product-release helm-chart init [flags]


--ca-file (string)helm pull: verify certificates of HTTPS-enabled servers using this CA bundle
--cert-file (string)helm pull: identify HTTPS client using this SSL certificate file
--chart-path (string)Path to either a local packaged chart or an unpacked chart directory
-h, --helpShow help menu for init
--key-file (string)helm pull: identify HTTPS client using this SSL key file
--maven-coordinate (string)Maven coordinate for Product
--name (string)Helm chart name. If the chart resides in a remote OCI repository, this must be the full OCI URL (e.g. oci://repo/chartName)
--output-dir (string)Directory where artifacts are written
--pass-credentialshelm pull: pass credentials to all domains
--password (string)helm pull: chart repository password where to locate the requested chart
--repository-url (string) Helm repository URL where the requested chart can be located
--rollout-strategy (string)Rollout strategy manifest extension. Valid values are 'manageRollout' (default) and 'applyChangesNoWait'
--username (string)helm pull: chart repository username where to locate the requested chart
--values (string)helm template: Specify values in a YAML file. Note that values are only used to render chart templates locally. Default configs will need to be added in Apollo before installation.
--version (string)Helm chart version

Flags inherited from parent commands

--apollo-token (string)Bearer Token to use for authenticated endpoints
--apollo-token-provider (string)Specifies how the Apollo Bearer Token used for authenticated Apollo endpoint calls is provided. Valid values are "auto", "static", or "service-user". If "auto" is specified, Apollo will use either the Bearer Token provided by "apollo-token" or a Bearer Token obtained by using "apollo-client-id" and "apollo-client-secret" to generate a token depending on which set of values are set (but will error if both values are set). If "static" is specified, the token specified using "apollo-token" is used. If "service-user" is specified, the token obtained by using "apollo-client-id" and "apollo-client-secret" to generate a token is used. The default value is "auto".
--apollo-client-id (string)Client ID to use for generating Bearer Token
--apollo-client-secret (string)Client secret to use for generating Bearer Token
--apollo-url (string)Base URL for Apollo that is used to derive the API endpoints
-h, --helpShow help menu for helm-chart

See also