This API can return the errors documented below. Note that all errors returned by this API are compliant and consistent with HTTP status code semantics. Errors are in JSON format and
include an error name, error code, error instance ID (which can be provided to
Palantir support), and additional parameters to assist in debugging. They will
be returned with a 4xx
or 5xx
status code. For example, a request to load
an object with primaryKey invalidkey
might look like the following:
"primaryKeys": ["invalidKey"]
Where applicable, Gotham APIs can return the following general errors.
Error name | Error code | Status code | Description |
ApiFeaturePreviewUsageOnly | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | The given API endpoint is not for production use and is only supported in preview mode. Please add a preview=true query parameter to call this endpoint. |
ApiUsageDenied | PERMISSION_DENIED | 403 | The user/token provided is not authorized for the API endpoint. |
Conjure:InvalidArgument | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | One or more of the request's arguments is invalid. |
Conjure:UnprocessableEntity | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 422 | One or more of the request's arguments is invalid. |
Conjure:UnsupportedMediaType | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 415 | The Content-type header for the request is invalid. Use Content-type: application/json . |
Default:Internal | INTERNAL | 500 | An error occurred within the service. Contact a system administrator for help. |
Default:PermissionDenied | PERMISSION_DENIED | 403 | You are missing permission to access information necessary to complete your request. |
Default:Unauthorized | UNAUTHORIZED | 401 | The given authorization token header is invalid. |
InvalidPageSize | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | The provided page size was zero or negative. Page sizes must be greater than zero. |
InvalidPageToken | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | The provided page token could not be used to retrieve the next page of results. |
InvalidParameterCombination | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | The given parameters are individually valid but cannot be used in the given combination. |
MissingCredentials | UNAUTHORIZED | 401 | The endpoint requires an authorization token to be passed as a header, but none was found. |
Error name | Error code | Status code | Description | Additional parameters |
InvalidClassificationPortionMarkings | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | The specified markings do not represent a valid classification. | portionMarkings |
InvalidDiscretionaryControls | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | The specified groups do not exist. | groupExternalIds |
Error name | Error code | Status code | Description | Additional parameters |
MalformedPropertyFilters | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | At least one of requested filters is malformed. | malformedPropertyFilter |
MalformedObjectPrimaryKeys | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | The requested object primary key or keys are malformed. | primaryKeys |
InvalidOntologyTypes | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | At least one specified ontology type was invalid (property type, link type, object type) | invalidPropertyTypes , invalidObjectTypes , invalidLinkTypes |
MissingRepresentativePropertyTypes | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | A representative property type was not specified when creating an object for the specified object type, and STRICT validation mode was requested. | missingRepresentativeProperties |
DisallowedPropertyTypes | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | A property type was specified that is not allowed for the specified object type, and STRICT validation mode was requested. | disallowedPropertyTypes |
InvalidPropertyValue | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | A property value was not valid based on Property Type configuration. See reason for details. | propertyType , propertyValue , reason |
FederatedObjectUpdateNotAllowed | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | The object is from a federated system and cannot be updated. | primaryKey |
Error name | Error code | Status code | Description | Additional parameters |
InvalidTrackRid | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | The provided RID is not a valid TrackRid. | trackRid |
InvalidObjectRid | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | The provided RID is not a valid ObjectRid. | objectRid |
NoLocatorFoundForRid | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | Could not find the locator for the given ObjectRid. | objectRid |
TrackToObjectLinkageFailure | INTERNAL | 500 | Could not link the given Track and Object. | trackRid , targetRid |
TrackToObjectUnlinkageFailure | INTERNAL | 500 | Could not unlink the given Track and Object. | trackRid , objectRid |
TrackToTrackLinkageFailure | INTERNAL | 500 | Could not link the given Tracks. | trackRid , otherTrackRid |
TrackToTrackUnlinkageFailure | INTERNAL | 500 | Could not unlink the given Tracks. | trackRid , otherTrackRid |
InvalidGeotimeObservations | INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | At least one Observation was invalid, so none were written to Geotime. | invalidObservations |
Some errors do not include an error name or other response body. In that case, check the status code of the error.
Status code | Description |
404 | The endpoint you are requesting does not exist. Check your request URL. |
414 | Your URL is too long. Remove query parameters or look at the endpoint's documentation for alternatives. |
429 | The service is experiencing too many requests. Retry your request shortly and reduce your request rate. |
431 | Your URL or HTTP headers are too long. Remove headers or query parameters, or look at the endpoint's documentation for alternatives. |
503 | The service is unavailable. Retry your request later. |
In exceptional circumstances, the service may return other, undocumented errors. Note that all errors returned by this API are compliant and consistent with HTTP status code semantics. Contact your system administrator to resolve these errors.