Read files in a repository

You can read other files from your repository into the transform context. This might be useful in setting parameters for your transform code to reference.

To start, In your python repository edit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 setup( name=os.environ['PKG_NAME'], # ... package_data={ '': ['*.yaml', '*.csv'] } )

This tells python to bundle the yaml and csv files into the package. Then place a config file (for example config.yaml, but can be also csv or txt) next to your python transform (e.g. see below):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - name: tbl1 primaryKey: - col1 - col2 update: - column: col3 with: 'XXX'

You can read it in your transform with the code below:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 from transforms.api import transform_df, Input, Output from pkg_resources import resource_stream import yaml import json @transform_df( Output("/Demo/read_yml") ) def my_compute_function(ctx): stream = resource_stream(__name__, "config.yaml") docs = yaml.safe_load(stream) return ctx.spark_session.createDataFrame([{'result': json.dumps(docs)}])

So your project structure would be:

  • some_folder
    • config.yaml

This will output in your dataset a single row with one column "result" with content:

1 [{"primaryKey": ["col1", "col2"], "update": [{"column": "col3", "with": "XXX"}], "name": "tbl1"}]