Set up a derived series

This page will walk you through creating a derived series that calculates pressure loss for machines on a hypothetical Machine root object type.

1. Select a root object

In Quiver, select the relevant object type (Machine in this example), and choose an individual root object from the list using the Object selector card. Below, we selected the Machine 1 object.

Select a root object type in Quiver.

2. Select time series properties as inputs

In our example below, the Machine object type has two time series properties (TSPs): Inlet pressure and Outlet pressure. Add your desired TSPs to your Quiver canvas with the Object time series property card, or pop out the time series property directly from the object set card. These TSPs will become the inputs to our derived series calculations in the next step.

Use the Object time series property card to search for linked sensors instead of performing manual search arounds with the Linked object set card.

The "Object time series property" card in Quiver.

Two "Time series chart" cards representing the "Inlet pressure" and "Outlet pressure" properties.

Both raw and derived series can be used as inputs to a derived series. This means that derived series logic can be nested. Changes to a derived series will affect the execution of any downstream derived series. Therefore, we recommend testing all downstream workflows that depend on the derived series before applying changes.

Specifically, be mindful of the following changes that could lead to breaks in downstream logic:

  • Input TSP or sensor object is deleted.
  • Input sensor name that is referenced in a derived series is changed.
  • Input TSP type is changed from numeric to categorical.

3. Apply time series transforms

Quiver offers a wide range of time series transforms, such as derivatives and rolling averages. Learn more about Quiver transformations.

In our example, we will use a Time series formula card to add a transformation that calculates the difference between the inlet and outlet pressure of the Machine 1 object.

Select the "Time series formula" card in Quiver.

4. Save the derived series as a logic resource

From the "Time series formula" card configuration panel, navigate to the Derived Series Options section and select Save derived series. A dialog will appear to guide you through saving the derived series as a logic resource.

Select "Save derived series" from the "Time series card" configuration panel.

Be sure to select the Time series formula node in the top right of the Time series chart card to view the option to save derived series. If you select chart node instead, there will not be an option to save derived series.

Step 1: Select an object type

Select the object type that will be bound to the derived series. This can either be the root object type from which you created the derived series logic, or any of its linked sensor object types. This bound object type is the only object type from which the derived series can be resolved. You will not be able to change the bound object type after saving.

Automatic Ontology saving is only supported for sensor object types. Follow the manual Ontology saving steps for derived series applied to the root object type.

The "Details" tab of the "Saved derived series" dialog.

Step 2: Automatically save to the Ontology

Select Automatic in the Ontology saving tab to save the derived series directly to the Ontology.

Automatic Ontology saving will be disabled if the root object type is selected. You can choose to configure automatic Ontology saving after creation; however, you will not be able to change your selected object type. Follow the manual Ontology saving steps for derived series applied to the root object type.

Continue setting up automatic Ontology saving by configuring the scope, Action types, and optional property values sections.

Scope selection: This section allows you to select which root objects you want to save this derived series for. One sensor object will be created for each selected root object. Currently, scope selection has a limit of 5000 objects.

Action type selection: Automatic Ontology saving leverages Actions to save the derived series to the Ontology. As a prerequisite for this, you must have the Create object, Modify object, and Delete object Action types configured for the object type. Learn more about setting Action types for automatic Ontology saving in the derived series requirements documentation.

Property mapping: Currently, only string or Boolean values are supported.

The "Ontology saving" tab of the "Save derived series" dialog.

For guidance on where to store the derived series, review the time series Ontology setup documentation.

Step 3: Select a resource location

Choose a name, description, and folder location to save the resulting derived series resource.

The "Resource" tab of the "Save derived series" dialog.

Step 4: Review

Finally, review the Ontology output and resource location information before saving.

Before deleting the derived series resource, first remove the Ontology options, then save and deploy the changes from the derived series management interface

The "Review" tab of the "Save derived series" dialog.

After saving the derived series, any future changes must be made from the derived series management page.