LLM capacity management for AIP

LLM capacity is a limited resource at the industry level, and all providers (Azure, OpenAI, AWS Bedrock, Google Cloud Vertex, etc.) limit the maximum capacity available per account. Palantir AIP consequently follows the market-level constraint set introduced by LLM providers. The standard unit of measure across the industry is tokens per minute (TPM) and requests per minute (RPM).

Enrollment capacity and rate limits

Palantir has set a certain maximum capacity for each enrollment, referred to as “enrollment-level rate limits”. This capacity is measured per model using TPM and RPM, and includes all models of all providers enabled on your enrollment, including GPT, Claude, Gemini, Llama, Mixtral and more. In this way, each model has a separate, independent capacity not affected by the usage of other models.

By default, all customers are on the medium tier, which is large enough to build prototypes and scale to a few use cases, even with hundreds of users and large datasets, including millions of documents for example.

Additionally, AIP offers the option to upgrade the enrollment capacity from the medium tier to a large or XL tier if you require additional capacity. If you are constantly hitting enrollment rate limits blocking you from expanding your AIP usage, or if you expect you will increase the volume of your pipelines or total number of users, contact Palantir Support.

Enrollment limits are now displayed on the AIP rate limits tab in the Resource Management application, along with the enrollment tier.

Total enrollment capacity can be seen in the Resource Management application.

AIP offers enough capacity to build large scale workflows with enrollment tiers, particularly the XL tier. These tiers have provided enough capacity for hundreds of Palantir customers using LLMs at scale, and we continue to increase these limits.

The table below contains enrollment limits for tokens per minute (TPM) and requests per minute (RPM) for each enrollment tier. For enrollments with both Azure and OpenAI enabled, enrollment limits will be double what is shown below for Azure and OpenAI. Additionally, for enrollments geo-restricted to a single region, TPM and RPM may be lower than the table indicates in the Large and X-large tiers.

Model providerModelSmall tierMedium tierLarge tierX-large tier
AnthropicClaude 3.7 Sonnet20K TPM
40 RPM
300K TPM
200 RPM
400K TPM
300 RPM
500K TPM
400 RPM
AnthropicClaude 3.5 Haiku100K TPM
400 RPM
1.2M TPM
1800 RPM
1.8M TPM
2700 RPM
2.4M TPM
3600 RPM
GoogleGemini 1.5 Pro60K TPM
150 RPM
400 RPM
700 RPM
GoogleGemini 2.0 Flash60K TPM
150 RPM
600 RPM
1.2K RPM
Azure / OpenAIGPT-4o60K TPM
150 RPM
800K TPM
1.5M TPM
Azure / OpenAIGPT-4o-mini60K TPM
150 RPM
800K TPM
1.5K RPM
1.5M TPM
AzureText Embedding Ada-002450K TPM
2.1M TPM
4.5K RPM
3.15M TPM
6.75K RPM
4.2M TPM
AzureText Embedding 3 Small60K TPM
400 RPM
300K TPM
450K TPM
600K TPM
AzureText Embedding 3 Large60K TPM
400 RPM
Azure / OpenAIo1-mini100K TPM
10 RPM
250K TPM
25 RPM
400K TPM
40 RPM
750K TPM
75 RPM
Azure / OpenAIo1-preview100K TPM
10 RPM
250K TPM
25 RPM
400K TPM
40 RPM
750K TPM
75 RPM
AnthropicClaude 3.5 Sonnet v230K TPM
20 RPM
300K TPM
100 RPM
500K TPM
200 RPM
600K TPM
300 RPM
AnthropicClaude 3.5 Sonnet50K TPM
40 RPM
200 RPM
1.5M TPM
300 RPM
400 RPM
AnthropicClaude 3 Sonnet50K TPM
100 RPM
450K TPM
500 RPM
675K TPM
750 RPM
900K TPM
AnthropicClaude 3 Haiku60K TPM
250 RPM
600K TPM
1.5M TPM
1.5K RPM
GoogleGemini 1.5 Flash60K TPM
150 RPM
600 RPM
1.2K RPM
AzureGPT-460K TPM
300 RPM
675K TPM
750 RPM
675K TPM
750 RPM
675K TPM
750 RPM
AzureGPT-4 Turbo60K TPM
120 RPM
375K TPM
450 RPM
562.5K TPM
675 RPM
750K TPM
900 RPM
AzureGPT-4 32K75K TPM
45 RPM
300K TPM
150 RPM
450K TPM
225 RPM
600K TPM
300 RPM
AzureGPT-3.5150K TPM
450 RPM
1.5M TPM
900 RPM
2.25M TPM
1.35K RPM
1.8K RPM
AzureGPT-3.5 16K300K TPM
450 RPM
750K TPM
450 RPM
1.125M TPM
675 RPM
1.5M TPM
900 RPM
AzureGPT-4 Vision60K TPM
30 RPM
375K TPM
150 RPM
562.5K TPM
225 RPM
750K TPM
300 RPM
SnowflakeArctic Embed Medium60K TPM
150 RPM
300K TPM
450 RPM
450K TPM
675 RPM
600K TPM
900 RPM
Document Information Extraction1M TPM
40 RPM
200 RPM

AIP usage and limits

Enrollment administrators can navigate to the AIP usage & limits page in the Resource Management application to:

  • View usage: View LLM token and request usage of all Palantir-provided models for all Projects and resources in your enrollment.

  • Manage rate limits: Configure the maximum percent of TPM and RPM that all resources within a given Project can utilize at every given minute combined, per model.

View usage

The View usage tab provides visibility into LLM token and request usage of all Palantir-provided models for all Projects and resources in your enrollment. Administrators can use this view to better manage LLM capacity and handle rate limits.

AIP token usage views page.

This view allows you to:

  • Track token and request usage per minute, given that LLM capacity is managed at the token per minute (TPM) and request per minute (RPM) level.
  • Drill down to a single model at a time, as capacity is managed for each model separately.
  • View both the enrollment usage overview and zoom in to project level usage, given that LLM capacity has both an enrollment-level limit and a Project-level limit for each project, as explained above.
  • View the rate limits threshold. The toggle (on the top right) visualizes when project or enrollment limits are hit, by displaying a dashed line. The limits vary by model and by Project. Two rate limit lines are displayed: The enrollment/project limit, and the “batch limit” which is capped to 80% of the total capacity for the specific project and for the entire enrollment. Read more about prioritizing interactive queries below.
  • Filter down to a certain time range, two weeks of data, down to the minute. Users can drill down to a specific time range either by using the date range filter on the left sidebar, or by using a drag-and-drop time range filter over the chart itself. When the time range is shorter than 6 hours, the chart will include segmentation to projects (at the enrollment level) or to resources (at the projects level).
  • View usage overview in a table. Below the chart, the table includes the aggregate of tokens and requests per Project (or per resource when filtered to a single Project). The table is affected by all filters (time range, model, Project filter if applied).

Note that this view is not optimized to address cost management for LLM usage. Learn how to review LLM cost on AIP-enabled enrollments via the Analysis tab.

Taking action based on AIP usage

If you are hitting rate limits at the enrollment or Project level, you may consider taking any of the following actions:

  • Adjust Project limits to cap the utilization of a certain resource or Project that might saturate your enrollment capacity.
  • Track interactive usage to make sure it is not being rate limited by pipelines. If it is, you can either limit these pipelines at the project level, or move the resource to a separate project with increased limits.
  • Schedule builds to different times of day, and large builds to weekends - whenever possible, avoid running multiple large builds at the same time, and when possible schedule regular builds at different times or frequency to avoid clashes.
  • Switch your workflows to a different model that your enrollment is not currently leveraging and therefore has significant capacity.
  • Request an upgrade to a larger tier, or contact Palantir support about reserved capacity.

Manage Project rate limits

On the Manage rate limits tab, you have the flexibility to maximize LLM utilization for production use cases in case of ambitious use cases in AIP, and limit or disallow experimental projects from saturating the entire enrollment capacity. Enrollment administrators can configure the maximum percent of TPM and RPM that all resources within a given Project can utilize at every given minute combined, per model.

Check rate limits for your models on the AIP rate limits page in the Resource Management application.

By default, all Projects are given a specific limit at which to operate. An admin can create additional Project limits, define which Projects are included in each limit, and what percent of enrollment capacity can be used.

Visibility into LLM cost on AIP enrollments

Use the Analysis page to view the cost of LLM usage on your AIP-enabled enrollment.

From the Analysis page, select Filter by source: All LLMs and Group by source. This will generate a chart of daily LLM cost, segmented by model.

The Analysis tab of Resource Management allows you to filter LLMs into the view to see a chart of daily LLM cost segmented by model.

Prioritizing interactive queries

Generally, AIP prioritizes interactive requests over pipelines with batch requests. Interactive queries are defined as any real-time interaction that a user has with an LLM, such as AIP Assist, Workshop, Agent Studio, preview in the AIP Logic LLM board, and preview in the Pipeline Builder LLM node. Batch queries are defined as a large set of requests sent without a user expecting an immediate response, for example Transforms pipelines, Pipeline Builder, Automate (for Logic).

This principle currently guarantees that 20% of capacity at the enrollment and Project level will always be reserved for interactive queries. This means that for a 100,000 TPM capacity for a certain model, only a maximum of 80,000 TPM can be used for pipelines at any given minute, while at least 20,000 TPM (and up to 100,000 TPM) is available for interactive queries.


What is an example of how Project-level rate limits are expected to be used?

Consider the following example:

  • An enrollment only has a single AIP use case in production, so the Project containing that use case is moved under a “Production” limit to access up to 100% of the enrollment limit.
  • In addition to this production use case, there is a second use case in the testing stage to consider. This testing stage use case should be able to run tests without taking over the entire production usage. This use case can be added to a “Testing” limit with up to 30% of capacity. The “Production” limit is reduced to 90% to make sure there is always some capacity for testing.
  • On top of the previously-mentioned use cases, we add a second use case in production. However, unlike the first one that used GPT4o, this one uses Claude 3.5 Sonnet. We can safely add this new use case to the “Production” limit next to the first production use case.
  • The same enrollment wants a set of users to be able to experiment with LLMs. The enrollment administrator adds two Projects to an “Experimentation” limit with up to 20% capacity.
  • The testing Project and the two experimental Projects could technically expend up to 70% of capacity combined, but historical data shows that actual usage typically falls below this.
  • Lastly, this enrollment wants to enable several users to experiment with LLMs. An enrollment admin can set the default limit to 10% capacity and the user folders to 0% capacity, while giving these specified users LLM builder permissions in the Control Panel AIP settings.

Why is the percent enforced on each Project in a limit category and not shared across Projects?

  • The reason multiple Projects and resources can share the same 100% capacity is that based on historical LLM usage patterns across hundreds of customers over the span of more than a year, most Projects and resources do not make calls to LLMs. As such, multiple resources can share the same 100% capacity.
  • If all Projects within a limit category were to share the same usage percentage, a hard limit on usage would be implemented. However, based on existing usage, this is not justified for 99% of cases. It is very rare that multiple resources use the maximum capacity at the same minute, and even when this happens, requests will retry until successful.

Why are there AIP usage limits?

  • First, there is significant variance in the offering of different providers in terms of TPM, RPM, and regional availability. While AIP does leverage the capacity of all providers, Palantir cannot bypass limitations imposed by the various cloud service providers.
  • On top of that, LLM capacity provided to a customer by Palantir has a high bar of compliance requirements compared to the common offering from most providers. Palantir guarantees zero data retention (ZDR) and control over routing of data to specific regions (geo-restriction).
  • Direct OpenAI does not yet support geo-restriction for AIP. This means that for example, OpenAI cannot guarantee that requests are routed to the EU and stay in the EU. Requests might be processed in data centers in America, Asia, Africa, or Europe - which gives OpenAI much more flexibility and a much larger pool of capacity to work with.
    • AIP customers with no geo-restriction can use this large pool of capacity. An upgrade to the XL tier is available for users with higher usage levels.
    • Certain capabilities are still unavailable, such as batch API. Batch API supports processing billions of tokens within 24 hours, but requires storing data for that period, which fails Palantir’s compliance requirements.
  • Other providers, namely Azure OpenAI, AWS Bedrock, GCP Vertex and Palantir-hosted Llama and Mixtral models, all support geo-restrictions but also have much smaller LLM capacity guarantees for geo-restricted requests.
    • Securing capacity in a certain region is harder and often requires securing provisioned throughput, which is a monthly prepaid capacity guarantee that Palantir takes care of for its customers. This is often limited even on the providers’ side.
    • Certain models are still not widely available in certain regions, but Palantir has early access to them. This is the case with GPT models in the UK for example.
  • As mentioned above, our medium to XL tiers are enough for large scale production workflows. Contact Palantir Support to change your tier.

Why is it not possible to reserve minimum guaranteed capacity for production use cases?

  • The capacity management problem consists of two separate challenges:
    • Maximum available capacity to unblock usage at scale: This is being solved by project rate limits.
    • Minimum reserved capacity to protect use cases in production and guarantee their success: We are currently developing a feature called “Reserved Capacity”. For details, contact Palantir Support.

What are the biggest obstacles to solving the capacity problem?

  • Geo-restriction is the strongest cause of capacity issues. If your enrollment is geo-restricted, and you are able to remove geo-restrictions from a legal perspective, you should work with your Palantir team to do so.
  • New models often have limited capacity in early stages. For example, this was true for GPT4-vision, GPT-o1, and later for Claude 3.5 Sonnet when it was first launched.
  • The capacity problem is much harder with large pipelines that run over many millions of items.