The Map application can be used directly in Workshop using the Map Application Template widget. You can build a map directly in Workshop using the local configuration mode, or embed a previously created map from the Map application in Workshop modules using the Map Application Template widget.
In a section of your choice in the Workshop module, select the + icon or + Add widget to open the widget menu, and search for the Map Application Template widget.
In the widget editor, select Add object layer to add a new layer to the map. Then, open the newly created layer and under Input Object Set create a new object set variable or reuse an existing one.
Once added, the new object layer will populate on the map.
Edit a layer's name under the Label text box under the Input section.
To update the styling of an object layer, open the Style or Geometry section. Under the Style section, you can update the styles of any linked geometry under that object layer.
Under the Geometry section, a user can edit the styling for a specific geometry displayed on the map. Like in the map application, geometries are different ways of representing the layer's objects.
Geometries can be added by selecting Add geometry. Reorder geometries by dragging them from the left side of their labels, and delete them by selecting the trash icon when hovering over a geometry.
Loading methods [beta] can also be configured under the Geometry section for supported geometry types.
An object layer and its geometries are visible by default in the legend panel of the map. Under the Legend Visibility section of an object layer, you can toggle the visibility of the entire layer or the individual geometries.
Under the Selected objects section of each layer, the layer's selected objects are made available as an object set variable. This variable is bidirectional and can either be used to update the selected objects of a particular layer on the map, or it can respond and adopt the selected objects that a user selects from the map.
The base layer picker allows a user to edit the base map that the objects are displayed on.
For the Map Application Template widget, the local configuration options are as follows:
or Date
or Date