Load the ontology objects present in the ObjectSet
from the provided object set definition.
For Object Storage V1 backed objects, this endpoint returns a maximum of 10,000 objects. After 10,000 objects have been returned and if more objects
are available, attempting to load another page will result in an ObjectsExceededLimit
error being returned. There is no limit on Object Storage V2 backed objects.
Note that null value properties will not be returned.
Third-party applications using this endpoint via OAuth2 must request the following operation scope: api:ontologies-read
The API name of the ontology. To find the API name, use the List ontologies endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The repository associated with a marketplace installation.
The package name of the generated SDK.
Represents the API POST body when loading an ObjectSet
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
The name of the link type in the API. To find the API name for your Link Type, check the Ontology Manager application.
The unique resource identifier of an object, useful for interacting with other Foundry APIs.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which returns objects with additional derived properties.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
map<DerivedPropertyApiName, DerivedPropertyDefinition>
Map of the name of the derived property to return and its definition
The name of the derived property that will be returned.
Definition of a derived property.
Definition for a selected property over a MethodObjectSet.
Operation on a selected property, can be an aggregation function or retrieval of a single selected property
Computes an approximate number of distinct values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the minimum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the average value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the maximum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the approximate percentile value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Gets a single value of a property. Throws if the target object set is on the MANY side of the link and could explode the cardinality.
Use collectList or collectSet which will return a list of values in that case.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the total count of objects.
Computes the sum of values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100, by default.
NOTE: A separate count aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned list.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Computes an exact number of distinct values for the provided field. May be slower than an approximate distinct aggregation.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all distinct values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100.
NOTE: A separate cardinality / exactCardinality aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned set.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Casts an object set to a specified object type or interface type API name. Any object whose object type does not match the object type provided or implement the interface type provided will be dropped from the resulting object set. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
An object type or interface type API name.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which is the root of a MethodObjectSet definition.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
An object set with objects that implement the interface with the given interface API name. The objects in the object set will only have properties that implement properties of the given interface. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Casts the objects in the object set to their base type and thus ensures objects are returned with all of their properties in the resulting object set, not just the properties that implement interface properties. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
The name of the link type in the API. To find the API name for your Link Type, check the Ontology Manager application.
The unique resource identifier of an object, useful for interacting with other Foundry APIs.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
The name of the link type in the API. To find the API name for your Link Type, check the Ontology Manager application.
The unique resource identifier of an object, useful for interacting with other Foundry APIs.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which returns objects with additional derived properties.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
map<DerivedPropertyApiName, DerivedPropertyDefinition>
Map of the name of the derived property to return and its definition
The name of the derived property that will be returned.
Definition of a derived property.
Definition for a selected property over a MethodObjectSet.
Operation on a selected property, can be an aggregation function or retrieval of a single selected property
Computes an approximate number of distinct values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the minimum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the average value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the maximum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the approximate percentile value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Gets a single value of a property. Throws if the target object set is on the MANY side of the link and could explode the cardinality.
Use collectList or collectSet which will return a list of values in that case.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the total count of objects.
Computes the sum of values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100, by default.
NOTE: A separate count aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned list.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Computes an exact number of distinct values for the provided field. May be slower than an approximate distinct aggregation.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all distinct values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100.
NOTE: A separate cardinality / exactCardinality aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned set.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Casts an object set to a specified object type or interface type API name. Any object whose object type does not match the object type provided or implement the interface type provided will be dropped from the resulting object set. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
An object type or interface type API name.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which is the root of a MethodObjectSet definition.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
An object set with objects that implement the interface with the given interface API name. The objects in the object set will only have properties that implement properties of the given interface. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Casts the objects in the object set to their base type and thus ensures objects are returned with all of their properties in the resulting object set, not just the properties that implement interface properties. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which returns objects with additional derived properties.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
The name of the link type in the API. To find the API name for your Link Type, check the Ontology Manager application.
The unique resource identifier of an object, useful for interacting with other Foundry APIs.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which returns objects with additional derived properties.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
map<DerivedPropertyApiName, DerivedPropertyDefinition>
Map of the name of the derived property to return and its definition
The name of the derived property that will be returned.
Definition of a derived property.
Definition for a selected property over a MethodObjectSet.
Operation on a selected property, can be an aggregation function or retrieval of a single selected property
Computes an approximate number of distinct values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the minimum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the average value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the maximum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the approximate percentile value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Gets a single value of a property. Throws if the target object set is on the MANY side of the link and could explode the cardinality.
Use collectList or collectSet which will return a list of values in that case.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the total count of objects.
Computes the sum of values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100, by default.
NOTE: A separate count aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned list.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Computes an exact number of distinct values for the provided field. May be slower than an approximate distinct aggregation.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all distinct values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100.
NOTE: A separate cardinality / exactCardinality aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned set.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Casts an object set to a specified object type or interface type API name. Any object whose object type does not match the object type provided or implement the interface type provided will be dropped from the resulting object set. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
An object type or interface type API name.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which is the root of a MethodObjectSet definition.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
An object set with objects that implement the interface with the given interface API name. The objects in the object set will only have properties that implement properties of the given interface. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Casts the objects in the object set to their base type and thus ensures objects are returned with all of their properties in the resulting object set, not just the properties that implement interface properties. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
map<DerivedPropertyApiName, DerivedPropertyDefinition>
Map of the name of the derived property to return and its definition
The name of the derived property that will be returned.
Definition of a derived property.
Definition for a selected property over a MethodObjectSet.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
The name of the link type in the API. To find the API name for your Link Type, check the Ontology Manager application.
The unique resource identifier of an object, useful for interacting with other Foundry APIs.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which returns objects with additional derived properties.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
map<DerivedPropertyApiName, DerivedPropertyDefinition>
Map of the name of the derived property to return and its definition
The name of the derived property that will be returned.
Definition of a derived property.
Definition for a selected property over a MethodObjectSet.
Operation on a selected property, can be an aggregation function or retrieval of a single selected property
Computes an approximate number of distinct values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the minimum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the average value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the maximum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the approximate percentile value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Gets a single value of a property. Throws if the target object set is on the MANY side of the link and could explode the cardinality.
Use collectList or collectSet which will return a list of values in that case.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the total count of objects.
Computes the sum of values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100, by default.
NOTE: A separate count aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned list.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Computes an exact number of distinct values for the provided field. May be slower than an approximate distinct aggregation.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all distinct values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100.
NOTE: A separate cardinality / exactCardinality aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned set.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Casts an object set to a specified object type or interface type API name. Any object whose object type does not match the object type provided or implement the interface type provided will be dropped from the resulting object set. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
An object type or interface type API name.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which is the root of a MethodObjectSet definition.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
An object set with objects that implement the interface with the given interface API name. The objects in the object set will only have properties that implement properties of the given interface. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Casts the objects in the object set to their base type and thus ensures objects are returned with all of their properties in the resulting object set, not just the properties that implement interface properties. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Operation on a selected property, can be an aggregation function or retrieval of a single selected property
Computes an approximate number of distinct values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the minimum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the average value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the maximum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the approximate percentile value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Gets a single value of a property. Throws if the target object set is on the MANY side of the link and could explode the cardinality.
Use collectList or collectSet which will return a list of values in that case.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the total count of objects.
Computes the sum of values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100, by default.
NOTE: A separate count aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned list.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Computes an exact number of distinct values for the provided field. May be slower than an approximate distinct aggregation.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all distinct values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100.
NOTE: A separate cardinality / exactCardinality aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned set.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
The name of the link type in the API. To find the API name for your Link Type, check the Ontology Manager application.
The unique resource identifier of an object, useful for interacting with other Foundry APIs.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which returns objects with additional derived properties.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
map<DerivedPropertyApiName, DerivedPropertyDefinition>
Map of the name of the derived property to return and its definition
The name of the derived property that will be returned.
Definition of a derived property.
Definition for a selected property over a MethodObjectSet.
Operation on a selected property, can be an aggregation function or retrieval of a single selected property
Computes an approximate number of distinct values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the minimum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the average value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the maximum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the approximate percentile value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Gets a single value of a property. Throws if the target object set is on the MANY side of the link and could explode the cardinality.
Use collectList or collectSet which will return a list of values in that case.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the total count of objects.
Computes the sum of values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100, by default.
NOTE: A separate count aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned list.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Computes an exact number of distinct values for the provided field. May be slower than an approximate distinct aggregation.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all distinct values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100.
NOTE: A separate cardinality / exactCardinality aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned set.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Casts an object set to a specified object type or interface type API name. Any object whose object type does not match the object type provided or implement the interface type provided will be dropped from the resulting object set. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
An object type or interface type API name.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which is the root of a MethodObjectSet definition.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
An object set with objects that implement the interface with the given interface API name. The objects in the object set will only have properties that implement properties of the given interface. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Casts the objects in the object set to their base type and thus ensures objects are returned with all of their properties in the resulting object set, not just the properties that implement interface properties. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
The name of the link type in the API. To find the API name for your Link Type, check the Ontology Manager application.
The unique resource identifier of an object, useful for interacting with other Foundry APIs.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which returns objects with additional derived properties.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
map<DerivedPropertyApiName, DerivedPropertyDefinition>
Map of the name of the derived property to return and its definition
The name of the derived property that will be returned.
Definition of a derived property.
Definition for a selected property over a MethodObjectSet.
Operation on a selected property, can be an aggregation function or retrieval of a single selected property
Computes an approximate number of distinct values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the minimum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the average value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the maximum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the approximate percentile value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Gets a single value of a property. Throws if the target object set is on the MANY side of the link and could explode the cardinality.
Use collectList or collectSet which will return a list of values in that case.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the total count of objects.
Computes the sum of values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100, by default.
NOTE: A separate count aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned list.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Computes an exact number of distinct values for the provided field. May be slower than an approximate distinct aggregation.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all distinct values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100.
NOTE: A separate cardinality / exactCardinality aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned set.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Casts an object set to a specified object type or interface type API name. Any object whose object type does not match the object type provided or implement the interface type provided will be dropped from the resulting object set. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
An object type or interface type API name.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which is the root of a MethodObjectSet definition.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
An object set with objects that implement the interface with the given interface API name. The objects in the object set will only have properties that implement properties of the given interface. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Casts the objects in the object set to their base type and thus ensures objects are returned with all of their properties in the resulting object set, not just the properties that implement interface properties. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Casts an object set to a specified object type or interface type API name. Any object whose object type does not match the object type provided or implement the interface type provided will be dropped from the resulting object set. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
An object type or interface type API name.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
The name of the link type in the API. To find the API name for your Link Type, check the Ontology Manager application.
The unique resource identifier of an object, useful for interacting with other Foundry APIs.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which returns objects with additional derived properties.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
map<DerivedPropertyApiName, DerivedPropertyDefinition>
Map of the name of the derived property to return and its definition
The name of the derived property that will be returned.
Definition of a derived property.
Definition for a selected property over a MethodObjectSet.
Operation on a selected property, can be an aggregation function or retrieval of a single selected property
Computes an approximate number of distinct values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the minimum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the average value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the maximum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the approximate percentile value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Gets a single value of a property. Throws if the target object set is on the MANY side of the link and could explode the cardinality.
Use collectList or collectSet which will return a list of values in that case.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the total count of objects.
Computes the sum of values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100, by default.
NOTE: A separate count aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned list.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Computes an exact number of distinct values for the provided field. May be slower than an approximate distinct aggregation.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all distinct values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100.
NOTE: A separate cardinality / exactCardinality aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned set.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Casts an object set to a specified object type or interface type API name. Any object whose object type does not match the object type provided or implement the interface type provided will be dropped from the resulting object set. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
An object type or interface type API name.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which is the root of a MethodObjectSet definition.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
An object set with objects that implement the interface with the given interface API name. The objects in the object set will only have properties that implement properties of the given interface. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Casts the objects in the object set to their base type and thus ensures objects are returned with all of their properties in the resulting object set, not just the properties that implement interface properties. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which is the root of a MethodObjectSet definition.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
The name of the link type in the API. To find the API name for your Link Type, check the Ontology Manager application.
The unique resource identifier of an object, useful for interacting with other Foundry APIs.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which returns objects with additional derived properties.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
map<DerivedPropertyApiName, DerivedPropertyDefinition>
Map of the name of the derived property to return and its definition
The name of the derived property that will be returned.
Definition of a derived property.
Definition for a selected property over a MethodObjectSet.
Operation on a selected property, can be an aggregation function or retrieval of a single selected property
Computes an approximate number of distinct values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the minimum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the average value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the maximum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the approximate percentile value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Gets a single value of a property. Throws if the target object set is on the MANY side of the link and could explode the cardinality.
Use collectList or collectSet which will return a list of values in that case.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the total count of objects.
Computes the sum of values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100, by default.
NOTE: A separate count aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned list.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Computes an exact number of distinct values for the provided field. May be slower than an approximate distinct aggregation.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all distinct values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100.
NOTE: A separate cardinality / exactCardinality aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned set.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Casts an object set to a specified object type or interface type API name. Any object whose object type does not match the object type provided or implement the interface type provided will be dropped from the resulting object set. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
An object type or interface type API name.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which is the root of a MethodObjectSet definition.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
An object set with objects that implement the interface with the given interface API name. The objects in the object set will only have properties that implement properties of the given interface. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Casts the objects in the object set to their base type and thus ensures objects are returned with all of their properties in the resulting object set, not just the properties that implement interface properties. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
An object set with objects that implement the interface with the given interface API name. The objects in the object set will only have properties that implement properties of the given interface. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Casts the objects in the object set to their base type and thus ensures objects are returned with all of their properties in the resulting object set, not just the properties that implement interface properties. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
The name of the link type in the API. To find the API name for your Link Type, check the Ontology Manager application.
The unique resource identifier of an object, useful for interacting with other Foundry APIs.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which returns objects with additional derived properties.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
map<DerivedPropertyApiName, DerivedPropertyDefinition>
Map of the name of the derived property to return and its definition
The name of the derived property that will be returned.
Definition of a derived property.
Definition for a selected property over a MethodObjectSet.
Operation on a selected property, can be an aggregation function or retrieval of a single selected property
Computes an approximate number of distinct values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the minimum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the average value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the maximum value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the approximate percentile value for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Gets a single value of a property. Throws if the target object set is on the MANY side of the link and could explode the cardinality.
Use collectList or collectSet which will return a list of values in that case.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Computes the total count of objects.
Computes the sum of values for the provided field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100, by default.
NOTE: A separate count aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned list.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Computes an exact number of distinct values for the provided field. May be slower than an approximate distinct aggregation.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Lists all distinct values of a property up to the specified limit. The maximum supported limit is 100.
NOTE: A separate cardinality / exactCardinality aggregation should be used to determine the total count of values, to account for a possible truncation of the returned set.
Ignores objects for which a property is absent, so the returned list will contain non-null values only. Returns an empty list when none of the objects have values for a provided property.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Maximum number of values to collect. The maximum supported limit is 100.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Casts an object set to a specified object type or interface type API name. Any object whose object type does not match the object type provided or implement the interface type provided will be dropped from the resulting object set. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
An object type or interface type API name.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
ObjectSet which is the root of a MethodObjectSet definition.
This feature is experimental and not yet generally available.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects where at least 1 query is satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field equals any of the provided values.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field does not intersect the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the distance provided of the center point.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The coordinate point to use as the center of the distance query.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
A measurement of distance.
(enum)Enum values: MILLIMETERS
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified array contains a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the query is not satisfied.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the bounding box provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The top left and bottom right coordinate points that make up the bounding box.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where every query is satisfied.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects based on the existence of the specified field.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other. The last term can be a partial prefix match.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains any of the whitespace separated words in any order in the provided value. This query supports fuzzy matching.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Setting fuzzy to true
allows approximate matching in search queries that support it.
Returns objects where the specified field is greater than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field contains all of the terms in the order provided, but they do have to be adjacent to each other.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Returns objects where the specified field contains a point within the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field intersects the polygon provided.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
A linear ring is a closed LineString with four or more positions.
The first and last positions are equivalent, and they MUST contain identical values; their representation SHOULD also be identical.
A linear ring is the boundary of a surface or the boundary of a hole in a surface.
A linear ring MUST follow the right-hand rule with respect to the area it bounds, i.e., exterior rings are counterclockwise, and holes are clockwise.
GeoJSon fundamental geometry construct.
A position is an array of numbers. There MUST be two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude and latitude, precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third element.
Implementations SHOULD NOT extend positions beyond three elements because the semantics of extra elements are unspecified and ambiguous. Historically, some implementations have used a fourth element to carry a linear referencing measure (sometimes denoted as "M") or a numerical timestamp, but in most situations a parser will not be able to properly interpret these values. The interpretation and meaning of additional elements is beyond the scope of this specification, and additional elements MAY be ignored by parsers.
A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
Returns objects where the specified field is less than or equal to a value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
Returns objects where the specified field starts with the provided value.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
An object set with objects that implement the interface with the given interface API name. The objects in the object set will only have properties that implement properties of the given interface. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Casts the objects in the object set to their base type and thus ensures objects are returned with all of their properties in the resulting object set, not just the properties that implement interface properties. This is currently unsupported and an exception will be thrown if used.
Represents the definition of an ObjectSet
in the Ontology
Specifies the ordering of search results by a field and an ordering direction.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Specifies the ordering direction (can be either asc
or desc
By default, anytime an object is requested, every property belonging to that object is returned.
The response can be filtered to only include certain properties using the properties
query parameter.
Properties to include can be specified in one of two ways.
query parameter
query parameters.
The primary key of the object will always be returned even if it wasn't specified in the properties
Unknown properties specified in the properties
list will result in a PropertiesNotFound
To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
The page token indicates where to start paging. This should be omitted from the first page's request.
To fetch the next page, clients should take the value from the nextPageToken
field of the previous response
and use it to populate the pageToken
field of the next request.
The page size to use for the endpoint.
A flag to exclude the retrieval of the __rid
Setting this to true may improve performance of this endpoint for object types in OSV2.
Success response.
The list of objects in the current Page.
map<PropertyApiName, PropertyValue>
Represents an object in the Ontology.
The name of the property in the API. To find the API name for your property, use the Get object type
endpoint or check the Ontology Manager.
Represents the value of a property in the following format.
Type | JSON encoding | Example |
Array | array | ["alpha", "bravo", "charlie"] |
Attachment | JSON encoded AttachmentProperty object | {"rid":"ri.blobster.main.attachment.2f944bae-5851-4204-8615-920c969a9f2e"} |
Boolean | boolean | true |
Byte | number | 31 |
Date | ISO 8601 extended local date string | "2021-05-01" |
Decimal | string | "2.718281828" |
Double | number | 3.14159265 |
Float | number | 3.14159265 |
GeoPoint | geojson | {"type":"Point","coordinates":[102.0,0.5]} |
GeoShape | geojson | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102.0,0.0],[103.0,1.0],[104.0,0.0],[105.0,1.0]]} |
Integer | number | 238940 |
Long | string | "58319870951433" |
Short | number | 8739 |
String | string | "Call me Ishmael" |
Timestamp | ISO 8601 extended offset date-time string in UTC zone | "2021-01-04T05:00:00Z" |
Note that for backwards compatibility, the Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, and Short types can also be encoded as JSON strings.
The page token indicates where to start paging. This should be omitted from the first page's request.
To fetch the next page, clients should take the value from the nextPageToken
field of the previous response
and use it to populate the pageToken
field of the next request.
The total number of items across all pages.
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
"https://$HOSTNAME/api/v2/ontologies/palantir/objectSets/loadObjects" \
-d '{"objectSet":{"type":"base","objectType":"Employee"},"pageSize":10000,"nextPageToken":"v1.QnVpbGQgdGhlIEZ1dHVyZTogaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucGFsYW50aXIuY29tL2NhcmVlcnMvP2xldmVyLXNvdXJjZSU1YiU1ZD1BUElEb2NzI29wZW4tcG9zaXRpb25z"}'
"data": [
"__rid": "ri.phonograph2-objects.main.object.5b5dbc28-7f05-4e83-a33a-1e5b851",
"__primaryKey": 50030,
"__apiName": "Employee",
"employeeId": 50030,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"age": 21
"__rid": "ri.phonograph2-objects.main.object.88a6fccb-f333-46d6-a07e-7725c5f18b61",
"__primaryKey": 20090,
"__apiName": "Employee",
"employeeId": 20090,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Haymore",
"age": 27