This endpoint is in preview and may be modified or removed at any time.
To use this endpoint, add preview=true
to the request query parameters.
Uploads a media item to an existing media set.
The body of the request must contain the binary content of the file and the Content-Type
header must be application/octet-stream
A branch name, or branch rid, or view rid may optionally be specified. If none is specified, the item will be uploaded to the default branch. If more than one is specified, an error is thrown.
Third-party applications using this endpoint via OAuth2 must request the following operation scope: api:mediasets-write
An identifier for a media item within a media set. Necessary if the backing media set requires paths.
Specifies the specific branch by name to which this media item will be uploaded. May not be provided if branch rid or view rid are provided.
Specifies the specific branch by rid to which this media item will be uploaded. May not be provided if branch name or view rid are provided.
Specifies the specific view by rid to which this media item will be uploaded. May not be provided if branch name or branch rid are provided.
The id of the transaction associated with this request. Required if this is a transactional media set.
A boolean flag that, when set to true, enables the use of beta features in preview mode.
The Resource Identifier (RID) of an individual Media Item within a Media Set in Foundry.