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This API can return the errors documented below. Note that all errors returned by this API are compliant and consistent with HTTP status code semantics. Errors are in JSON format and include an error name, error code, error instance ID (which can be provided to Palantir support), and additional parameters to assist in debugging. They will be returned with a 4xx or 5xx status code. For example, a request for an employee object that does not exist might look like the following.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 { "errorCode":"NOT_FOUND", "errorName":"ObjectNotFound", "errorInstanceId":"00813215-0844-4716-be7b-a3fe0fce9e42", "parameters":{ "objectType": "employee", "primaryKey": { "id": 10000 } } }

Ontologies errors

Error nameError codeStatus codeDescriptionAdditional parameters
ActionEditedPropertiesNotFoundINVALID_ARGUMENT400Actions attempted to edit properties that could not be found on the object type.parameters
ActionParameterObjectTypeNotFoundNOT_FOUND400The parameter references an object type that could not be found, or the client token does not have access to it.parameterId
ActionParameterObjectNotFoundNOT_FOUND400The parameter object reference or parameter default value is not found, or the client token does not have access to it.parameterId
ActionTypeNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested action could not be found, or the client token does not have access to it.actionType
ActionValidationFailedINVALID_ARGUMENT400The validation failed for the given action parameters. Please use the validateAction endpoint for more details.actionType
AggregationGroupCountExceededLimitINVALID_ARGUMENT400The number of groups in the aggregation exceeded the allowed limit. Use maxGroupCount, larger intervals, or a filter to reduce the number of results.maxGroups
ApplyActionFailedINVALID_ARGUMENT400The action could not be applied to the ontology.
AttachmentNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested attachment could not be found, or the client token does not have access to it.attachmentRid
AttachmentSizeExceededLimitINVALID_ARGUMENT400The file is too large to be uploaded as an attachment. The maximum attachment size is 200 MB.fileSizeBytes, fileLimitBytes
CompositePrimaryKeyNotSupportedINVALID_ARGUMENT400Primary keys consisting of multiple properties are not supported by this API. If you need support for this, please contact Palantir support.objectType, primaryKey
DuplicateOrderByINVALID_ARGUMENT400The requested sort order includes duplicate
FunctionEncounteredUserFacingErrorINVALID_ARGUMENT400The function failed to execute due to an error thrown by the function.functionRid, functionVersion, message
FunctionInvalidInputINVALID_ARGUMENT400The function executed contains invalid input.functionRid, functionVersion
FunctionExecutionTimedOutTIMEOUT500The function failed to execute due to a timeout.functionRid, functionVersion
InvalidContentLengthINVALID_ARGUMENT400A Content-Length header is required for all uploads, but was missing or invalid.
InvalidContentTypeINVALID_ARGUMENT400The Content-Type cannot be inferred from the request content and filename. Please check your request content and filename to ensure they are compatible.
InvalidDurationGroupByValueINVALID_ARGUMENT400The given duration groupBy value is invalid. Units larger than day must have value 1 and date properties do not support filtering on units smaller than day.
InvalidDurationGroupByPropertyTypeINVALID_ARGUMENT400The given property does not support duration group by, objectType, propertyBaseType
InvalidFieldsINVALID_ARGUMENT400The value of the given fields do not match the expected pattern. For example, an Ontology object property id should be written
InvalidGroupIdINVALID_ARGUMENT400The provided value for a group id must be a UUID.groupId
InvalidParameterValueINVALID_ARGUMENT400The value of the given parameter is invalid.parameterId, parameterBaseType, parameterValue
InvalidPropertyFiltersCombinationINVALID_ARGUMENT400The provided filters cannot be used, propertyFilters
InvalidPropertyTypeINVALID_ARGUMENT400The given property type is not of the expected, propertyBaseType
InvalidPropertyValueINVALID_ARGUMENT400The value of the given property is, propertyBaseType, propertyValue
InvalidSortOrderINVALID_ARGUMENT400At least one of sort orders in the order by parameter is invalid. Valid sort orders are 'asc' or 'desc'. Sort order can also be omitted, and defaults to 'asc'.invalidSortOrder
InvalidSortTypeINVALID_ARGUMENT400At least one of sort clauses in the order by parameter has an invalid type. Valid types are 'properties' or 'p'.invalidSortType
InvalidUserIdINVALID_ARGUMENT400The provided value for a user id must be a UUID.userId
LinkAlreadyExistsCONFLICT400The link the user is attempting to create already exists.
LinkedObjectNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested linked object could not be found, or the client token does not have access to it.linkType, linkedObjectType, linkedObjectPrimaryKey
LinkTypeNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested link could not be found, or the client token does not have access to it.objectType, linkType
MalformedPropertyFiltersINVALID_ARGUMENT400At least one of requested filters is malformed.malformedPropertyFilter
MultiplePropertyValuesNotSupportedINVALID_ARGUMENT400One of the requested property filters does not support multiple values. Please include only a single value for, propertyFilters
ObjectNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested object could not be found, or the client token does not have access to it.objectType, primaryKey
ObjectsExceededLimitINVALID_ARGUMENT400There are more objects, but they cannot be returned by this API. Only 10,000 objects are available for a given request.
ObjectTypeNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested object type could not be found, or the client token does not have access to it.objectType
ObjectTypeNotSyncedCONFLICT409The requested object type is not synced to the Ontology. Please re-index the object type in Ontology manager.objectType
OntologyEditsExceededLimitINVALID_ARGUMENT400The number of edits to the Ontology exceeded the allowed limit. This may happen if your Action is modifying too many objects.editsCount, editsLimit
OntologyNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested ontology could not be found, or the client token does not have access to it.ontologyRid
OntologySyncingCONFLICT409The requested object type has been changed in the Ontology Manager and changes are currently being applied. Wait a few seconds and try again.objectType
ParametersNotFoundINVALID_ARGUMENT400Some parameter IDs were not recognized by this action. See the configuredParameterId field for a list of valid parameter IDs.actionType, unknownParameterIds, configuredParameterIds
ParameterTypeNotSupportedINVALID_ARGUMENT400This type of parameter is not currently supported by this API. If you need support for this, please reach out to Palantir Support.parameterId, parameterBaseType
PropertiesNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested properties could not be found on the object type.objectType, properties
PropertiesNotSearchableINVALID_ARGUMENT400Search is not enabled on the specified properties. Please mark the properties as Searchable in Ontology
PropertiesNotSortableINVALID_ARGUMENT400Results could not be ordered by the requested properties. Please mark the properties as Sortable in Ontology
PropertyApiNameNotFoundINVALID_ARGUMENT400A property that was required to have an API name, such as a primary key, is missing one. You can set an API name for it using the Ontology Manager.propertyId, propertyBaseType
PropertyBaseTypeNotSupportedINVALID_ARGUMENT400This type of property is not currently supported by this API. If you need support for this, please reach out to Palantir Support.objectType, property, propertyBaseType
PropertyFiltersNotSupportedINVALID_ARGUMENT400One or more of the requested property filters are not, propertyFilters
QueryEncounteredUserFacingErrorCONFLICT409The authored Query failed to execute because of a user induced error. The message argument is meant to be displayed to the user.functionRid, functionVersion, message
QueryRuntimeErrorINVALID_ARGUMENT400The authored Query failed to execute because of a runtime error.functionRid, functionVersion, message, stacktrace, parameters
QueryTimeExceededLimitTIMEOUT500Time limits were exceeded for the Query execution.functionRid, functionVersion
QueryMemoryExceededLimitTIMEOUT400Memory limits were exceeded for the Query execution.functionRid, functionVersion
ViewObjectPermissionDeniedPERMISSION_DENIED403The provided token does not have permission to view any data sources backing this object type. Ensure the object type has backing data sources configured and visible.objectType

Datasets errors

Error nameError codeStatus codeDescriptionAdditional parameters
AbortTransactionPermissionDeniedPERMISSION_DENIED403The provided token does not have permission to abort the given transaction on the given dataset.datasetRid, transactionRid
BranchAlreadyExistsCONFLICT409The branch cannot be created because a branch with that name already exists.datasetRid, branchId
BranchNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested branch could not be found, or the client token does not have access to it.datasetRid, branchId
ColumnTypesNotSupportedINVALID_ARGUMENT400The dataset contains column types that are not supported.datasetRid
CommitTransactionPermissionDeniedPERMISSION_DENIED403The provided token does not have permission to commit the given transaction on the given dataset.datasetRid, transactionRid
CreateBranchPermissionDeniedPERMISSION_DENIED403The provided token does not have permission to create a branch of this dataset.datasetRid, branchId
CreateDatasetPermissionDeniedPERMISSION_DENIED403The provided token does not have permission to create a dataset in this folder.parentFolderRid, name
CreateTransactionPermissionDeniedPERMISSION_DENIED403The provided token does not have permission to create a transaction on this dataset.datasetRid, branchId
DatasetNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested dataset could not be found, or the client token does not have access to it.datasetRid
DeleteBranchPermissionDeniedPERMISSION_DENIED403The provided token does not have permission to delete the given branch from this dataset.datasetRid, branchId
FileAlreadyExistsNOT_FOUND404The given file path already exists in the dataset and transaction.datasetRid, transactionRid, path
FileNotFoundOnBranchNOT_FOUND404The requested file could not be found on the given branch, or the client token does not have access to it.datasetRid, branchId, path
FileNotFoundOnTransactionRangeNOT_FOUND404The requested file could not be found on the given transaction range, or the client token does not have access to it.datasetRid, endTransactionRid, path
InvalidBranchIdINVALID_ARGUMENT400The requested branch name cannot be used. Branch names cannot be empty and must not look like RIDs or UUIDs.branchId
InvalidTransactionTypeINVALID_ARGUMENT400The given transaction type is not valid. Valid transaction types are SNAPSHOT, UPDATE, APPEND, and DELETE.datasetRid, transactionRid, transactionType
OpenTransactionAlreadyExistsCONFLICT409A transaction is already open on this dataset and branch. A branch of a dataset can only have one open transaction at a time.datasetRid, branchId
ReadTablePermissionDeniedPERMISSION_DENIED403The provided token does not have permission to read the given dataset as a table.datasetRid
SchemaNotFoundNOT_FOUND404A schema could not be found for the given dataset and branch, or the client token does not have access to it.datasetRid, branchId
TransactionNotCommittedINVALID_ARGUMENT400The given transaction has not been committed.datasetRid, transactionRid, transactionStatus
TransactionNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested transaction could not be found on the dataset, or the client token does not have access to it.datasetRid, transactionRid
TransactionNotOpenINVALID_ARGUMENT400The given transaction is not open.datasetRid, transactionRid, transactionStatus
UploadFilePermissionDeniedPERMISSION_DENIED403The provided token does not have permission to upload the given file to the given dataset and transaction.datasetRid, transactionRid, path

Filesystems errors

Error nameError codeStatus codeDescriptionAdditional parameters
FolderNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The requested folder could not be found, or the client token does not have access to it.folderRid
ResourceNameAlreadyExistsCONFLICT409The provided resource name is already in use by another resource in the same folder.resourceName, parentFolderRid

Operation errors

Error nameError codeStatus codeDescriptionAdditional parameters
OperationNotFoundNOT_FOUND404The operation is not found, or the user does not have access to

General errors

In addition to the above endpoint-specific errors, all Foundry APIs can return the following more general errors.

Error nameError codeStatus codeDescription
ApiFeaturePreviewUsageOnlyINVALID_ARGUMENT400The given API endpoint is not for production use and is only supported in preview mode. Please add a preview=true query parameter to call this endpoint.
ApiUsageDeniedPERMISSION_DENIED403The user/token provided is not authorized for the API endpoint.
Conjure:InvalidArgumentINVALID_ARGUMENT400One or more of the request's arguments is invalid.
Conjure:UnprocessableEntityINVALID_ARGUMENT422One or more of the request's arguments is invalid.
Conjure:UnsupportedMediaTypeINVALID_ARGUMENT415The Content-type header for the request is invalid. Use Content-type: application/json.
Default:InternalINTERNAL500An error occurred within the service. File a support ticket for help.
Default:PermissionDeniedPERMISSION_DENIED403You are missing permission to access information necessary to complete your request.
Default:UnauthorizedUNAUTHORIZED401The given authorization token header is invalid.
InvalidPageSizeINVALID_ARGUMENT400The provided page size was zero or negative. Page sizes must be greater than zero.
InvalidPageTokenINVALID_ARGUMENT400The provided page token could not be used to retrieve the next page of results.
InvalidParameterCombinationINVALID_ARGUMENT400The given parameters are individually valid but cannot be used in the given combination.
MissingCredentialsUNAUTHORIZED401The endpoint requires an authorization token to be passed as a header, but none was found.

Status codes

Some errors do not include an error name or other response body. In that case, check the status code of the error.

Status codeDescription
404The endpoint you are requesting does not exist. Check your request URL.
414Your URL is too long. Remove query parameters or look at the endpoint's documentation for alternatives.
429The service is experiencing too many requests. Retry your request shortly and reduce your request rate.
431Your URL or HTTP headers are too long. Remove headers or query parameters, or look at the endpoint's documentation for alternatives.
503The service is unavailable. Retry your request later.

In exceptional circumstances, the service may return other, undocumented errors. Note that all errors returned by this API are compliant and consistent with HTTP status code semantics. Please file a support ticket for help resolving these errors.